Monday, December 01, 2003

note to Infidel

I finally wrote something inflammatory in the comments section of Mike's SEB post re: the drunk driving incident in Osan. Some fuckhead named "lux bearer" (Lucifer?), possibly a Korean, was getting under my skin, so I wrote:


I'd like to see our troops leave South Korea, if for no other reason than to make South Koreans realize they have only themselves to blame for their major problems. The Age of Victimhood is past. Time to wake up.

As for this drunk driver... he was stupid to try to flee the scene of the accident. He should've stood up like a man to face the consequences of his actions, but he didn't. Fuck him. He dishonors the military and his country.

But since we're talking about larger political ramifications-- by the same token, South Korea needs to stand up like it's got a pair of balls, stop sucking North Korea's dick, and lead the way to kicking that government's ass instead of pretending SK's nothing but America's bitch. If you're South Korean and proud of your country, tell your byeong-shin president he needs to pull his head out of his ass and get proactive instead of whining and bitch[ing]-- as does much of the younger generation who voted him into office. The young folks seem to have forgotten the threat the North (and communism) poses, which is plunging South Korea into a true "ddong orifice."

Yelling "go to hell, America!" might give stupid people a hard-on, but it does dick for SK's situation.




1. "ddong" is the Korean word for dung. lux bearer's "mailto" info is ""... he put this address out in public, so I advise my readers to go read his comments and send him an email! I'm sure he'll appreciate your insights.

2. "byeong-shin" means "retard" or "retarded person." You hear it in the PC-bahng all the time as kids are playing Starcraft and Counterstrike and other team games.

3. "hapjang" is the Korean word for what most Zennists know, in Japanese, as "gassho"-- the palms-together Buddhist bow.

I can't wait for Lucifer's reply. Visit Mike's blog to watch the saga continue.

By the way, go read the Infidel's great posts on the legal status of Taiwan.

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