Saturday, July 30, 2005

postal scrotum: green-eyed freaks

Lorianne writes in regarding my encounter with the nymph:

"I need someone with a biology background to explain to me how a half-Japanese chick can end up with green eyes."

Tinted contacts. That isn't biology; that's marketing. ;-)


Andrew R. writes in:

Hey Dirty Old Man®,

"I need someone with a biology background to explain to me how a half-Japanese chick can end up with green eyes. I thought the brown-eyed phenotype was the result of dominant genes."

Robert Heinlein covered this to death in part of "Time Enough for Love." Long story short, when offspring is 'half' anything, weird gene combos spring up at a rate much higher than most people would assume.


Thank you both for aiding me in my meditation on freaks. Perhaps this explains why I, a half-Korean, have such large breasts.


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