Sunday, July 01, 2007

a trip down Memory Lane

I brought back a bunch of photos with me-- many of them date back to the 90s and earlier. I might scan and blog some of them for your amusement.

One of my G-town friends, Kelly, remarked that I hadn't changed a bit when she saw me at the book signing. I tend to think I've got a much larger gut and blooming mantits these days, and viewing those photos from the 90s confirms this impression. I wasn't skinny back then-- I've never been skinny-- but I sure wasn't as fat as I thought I was.

A few of the old photos caught my attention, especially old pics of my family, including images of a prepubescent David and Sean, who both looked a lot more Korean in those days. Mom's and Dad's hairstyles also reflected the changing times. The old images of my parents made me smile. I also found myself staring wistfully at pictures of France and Switzerland from the 80s and 90s; I'm looking forward to my upcoming brief trip to Europe, in December.

So expect some photos sooner or later; I'll probably post them randomly over the course of the year.


1 comment:

R said...

I dig old photos. Photos more than videos. There is something cool about a photograph being... well... a 'snapshot' of a moment in time. A little record of that fraction of an instant.