Monday, October 01, 2012

Simon Pegg, nailed by the grammar police... again

I don't follow many celebrity Twitter feeds, but one feed I have been following is that of Simon Pegg, the delightfully energetic actor-comedian who played Scotty in 2009's "Star Trek" with much brio, gusto, verve, and élan. Mr. Pegg's tweets have kept me abreast of the post-production happenings of the upcoming "Star Trek" sequel, for which I'm very appreciative.

Alas, Mr. Pegg is also an error-prone writer, and every once in a while he gets nailed by his faithful followers for his grammatical, mechanical, and diction-related sins. This obviously irritates him to no end, even though the equally obvious solution would be for Mr. Pegg simply to write better. I don't see this happening anytime soon, though; Mr. Pegg prefers to rail against his readership, who are only trying to help. Below, we see his reaction to readerly attempts to correct his omission of a vocative comma:

Just use the goddamn comma, Mr. Pegg.



matt said...

The first day of doing what with school boys? Sometimes only a comma stands between you and a police investigation...

Kevin Kim said...


Mark Tueting said...

Really? You identification of Simon Pegg is as Scotty and not as Shawn of the Dead!?

Kevin Kim said...

Scotty's more recent in my memory.

Congrats on winning that essay contest, by the way.