Friday, January 06, 2012

with a big grain of salt

I'm eternally suspicious of all articles that claim our political leanings are firmly and clearly rooted in biology. So take this with a big grain of salt.



  1. You may well be right, but this isn't the first time I've heard essentially the same thing.

  2. I don't think it's so easy to pigeon hole folks into a strictly liberal/conservative category. My liberal values demand that I oppose oppression of the weak and defenseless. So, when I see women stoned to death for "adultery" after being raped or homosexuals being murdered for the "crime" of their sexuality, I think it is wrong.

    Of course, nowadays liberal say it just means that I am culturally insensitive. Any desire to assist people in their struggle for freedom makes me a neocon.

    As Joe Walsh put it: everybody's so different, I haven't changed.



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