Sunday, March 17, 2019

Tim Pool talks (tangentially) about Christchurch

Tim Pool is a left-liberal journalist who has a few channels on YouTube, as well as a presence in several other forms of online media. He recently experienced a boost in his celebrity status when he appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, sitting next to Rogan and across the table from Jack Dorsey (Twitter's CEO) and Dorsey's right-hand lady Vijaya Gadde ("VIH-jyuh gaddy"), a lawyer who is deeply involved in determining who gets banned from Twitter and why. Pool and Gadde ended up doing most of the talking, with Rogan interjecting now and again, and with Dorsey saying little to nothing. At first blush, Pool might sound like a rightie, but he is a self-identifying leftist (he talks about his leftism on Dave Rubin's show, The Rubin Report, filmed only one day after the Rogan podcast) who happens to be critical of where the American left has been going—what he calls "the insane left." Pool speaks in a rapid, clipped, somewhat high-voiced nerdy tone that's very reminiscent of how mighty-mite chatterbox Ben Shapiro talks a mile a minute. I've seen only a few of Pool's videos at this point, but I've found the man to be tough but generally fair in his assessment of global goings-on, and I've subscribed to two of his YouTube channels. Pool produces videos more prolifically (and somewhat more professionally) than does my regular guru, Styxhexenhammer666. Here he is below, talking—at least tangentially—about the Christchurch massacre and about media censorship in general:

By the way, they're saying that the "armed" congregant at the mosque didn't fire the weapon he managed to acquire during the massacre: he brandished it, and then maybe threw it at one of the attackers, causing the attacker to hop into a car and flee. The death toll has also clicked up from 49 to 50.

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