Tuesday, June 16, 2020

crêpes redux

Remember this long-ago post about the crêpe guy who used to work in Dongdaemun? Reader and commenter Paul Carver sends me a link to a video by Yummy Boy (hangeulized as the painful-sounding "Yahmmy Boy") that shows the crêpe guy at work:

How recently was this vid taken? It was uploaded fairly recently, but based on my experience of trying to re-find the guy, he disappeared after only a few months in 2015. Maybe he came back...? The video says he was working in the Dongdaemun area at the time of filming. The video's title also says the guy works only four hours a day at that site. Should I go back there and try my luck? I wonder if the dude even remembers me.

All I know is that a particular form of Murphy's Law applies to me: everything I like disappears. I was just thinking about how I used to be able to get these huge-ass bags of powdered soup from my downstairs grocery... but no longer. Those have been gone for years, and other local groceries aren't selling them. C'est fâcheux, ça. So I'm afraid that, if I try to track the crêpe guy down, I'll miss him—again and again.

Because that would be just my luck.

1 comment:

  1. "everything I like disappears"

    Hmm, that's been my experience with women. Anyway, it was nice to step back in time with your old post. I could almost taste those crepes! The gentleman looks pretty old in your photos and that was five years ago. He doesn't look much different in the video. That's a lot of work for a W3000 price. Maybe he just got tired of it all.



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