Tuesday, June 23, 2020

seen on Instapundit: two racisms, right and left

Quoted here:

There are two basic definitions of racism in the United States, one roughly associated with progressives and one roughly associated with conservatives. The former describes racism as the failure to acknowledge and seek to redress systemic discrimination against select disadvantaged minority groups. It is very broad and captures everything from unconscious bias to white supremacy. The latter views racism as making assumptions about, or taking action towards, an individual or group on the sole basis of their race. It is narrow and generally requires belief, intent, and animosity.

These definitions don’t simply differ; to a great extent they actually contradict each other. Much of the contradiction stems from the fact that the progressive definition of racism requires that an advantaged individual or group must be attacking the less privileged. The more conservative and narrow definition of racism requires no appeal to power structures, only to bias, and can be committed by anyone towards anyone.

And this is why the right says Donald Trump isn't racist while the left screams that he is racist to the core. I think the writer is too polite to note that the leftist version of racism is wildly delusional. Leftists ought to visit countries like South Korea, where overt racism abounds, just so they can get a taste of what real racism feels like.

This doesn't mean, by the way, that real racism doesn't exist in the States. As I've written repeatedly, I saw it when I was a member of Gab. It's alive and well, not hiding in the margins—and no, the left isn't paranoid to suspect that rightie bigotry exists. But the left, being delusional, views racism through a reality-distorting prism, so it's not even really aware of the gigantic snake coiled dangerously at its feet. What a shame, and what a waste: both the left and the right could be working on this problem right now, but this difference in worldview prevents such cooperation from ever materializing.


  1. Another problem is that when everyone and everything is racist, nothing is. No question racism exists but it is also not limited to white folk. I know I am very weary of being judged by the color of my skin instead of the content of my character. I think some famous guy from the 1960s said the same thing.

  2. This is what I was alluding to when I said the left's vision of racism is delusional. It's a vision that reveals racism to be hiding under every rug, in every dark corner, and in every white person's heart because white = privileged, and racism, according to this distorted view, can only flow downhill. You have to be mentally ill to take that seriously.



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