Monday, June 08, 2020

Styx on the question of defunding the police

The new hot topic among liberal Democrats is whether to defund the police and replace policemen with community-oriented citizen patrols. Styx sees the current violence and rioting and thinks that, if the police leave, the vacuum will be filled by armed militias. Styx further speculates that the left might want these militias because, the moment a militiaman fires a shot, militias will be discredited. But what happens then? Who's doing the policing?

See my previous post for insights into why the militias aren't currently taking the bait and rushing into riot zones. Short version: they're not stupid, and why would they help people who have spent years insulting and degrading them? Besides, those idiots who are now begging for or demanding gun-nut firepower voted for the blue-state policies—including draconian gun control—that have led to these riots and to generally shitty urban conditions. As far as I'm concerned, such people have gotten exactly what they want and exactly what they deserve.

Are these riots happening in red-state jurisdictions? Generally not. Ponder why that is, and if your first answer is "because racism," your IQ is well under 50.

Here's Tim Pool on the same topic:

As Pool notes, if Biden does the crazy thing and begins to advocate for the defunding of police forces across the nation, Trump can sit back, do nothing, and skate to an easy election victory. The policy is absolute insanity, and a majority of Americans are against such defunding. You can advocate for this policy only if you're utterly detached from reality and simply don't care.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I think the left can't get crazier they prove me wrong. I don't think the Babylon Bee could come up with satire this insane. But yeah, I don't think you win elections with a combination of riots and eliminating the police.



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