Monday, June 29, 2020

this is how ridiculous our country has become

Tim Pool rags on all the "woke" voice actors now quitting TV roles because those roles didn't correspond to the actors' actual race:

So as the commenters below the video point out, we need to hear apologies from

• James Earl Jones, who is black, for voicing Darth Vader, a white character
• the entire cast of the musical "Hamilton," which is non-white but playing white roles
• anyone voicing an animal character on a cartoon (speciesism)

I kid, of course: I personally don't expect apologies from anyone. Why would I? I haven't seen "Hamilton," but I think the musical's concept is awesome. I grew up with Darth Vader, and there's no way you'll get me to subscribe to someone else voicing the character unless he's an absolute James Earl Jones soundalike. I think talking-animal characters are hilarious. I don't mind (as Tim mentions above) that a woman has voiced Bart Simpson for decades. These things don't bother me.

But what does bother me is the illogic of the left's skewed approach to "bigoted" cultural phenomena it purports to attack in the name of "woke" justice. You can be sure, for example, that canceling white voice actors is okay, but canceling the non-white cast of "Hamilton" is not on the agenda. The hypocritical asymmetry is cringe-worthy. It's the same asymmetry we see when it comes to rioters attacking statues: they supposedly target the slave-owners, but since Muhammad was also an unrepentant slave-owner, they really ought to be burning down mosques and destroying Muslim-heavy communities. Will they? Of course not. And why? Because these people are—not to put too fine a point on it—moral pussies.

Until you attack the asymmetry at the heart of all this hypocrisy, nothing is going to change. The doctrine of intersectionality must be burned out of every foxhole and cleansed from every university until not a single American brain is tainted by that garbage.

But I don't see that happening anytime soon, more's the pity.

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