Tuesday, July 21, 2020

a tiny moment to celebrate

The news is going around that the company Red Bull, manufacturer of the "energy" drink with dubious benefits, just "purged" its staff of all(?) "woke" employees.

From Revolver News, an excerpt:
Red Bull just reminded their "wokest" employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of "social justice warrior" employees.

Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and "culture" teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.

Red Bull has just shown the way forward for all who want to prevent a total Marxist-style takeover of business and government in America. There is no appeasing these people[;] the only way forward is to fire them as quickly as possible, and with no mercy. Err on the side of firing everyone, if need be.

What this country needs, at every level of society, academia, and government, is a total and complete purge of "woke" [revolutionaries before] the blood starts running in the streets.
As the recent saying goes: get woke, go broke.

A caution: I've never read Revolver News before, but it's obviously a rightie outlet, which means the news it reports will be skewed in a right-leaning way, as you see in the wording of the above excerpt. It's important to remember that the above is as much spin as it is news, and for this reason, a measure of caution is advisable. I might personally agree with almost everything in the article, but I also need to remember that there will be other perspectives about this event—other arguments and other details that might not come to light from the rightie perspective. Keeping that sense of balance is what distinguishes the sane among us from the frothing left, which is a cancer.

Let me add that I've long despised the term "woke," which is a disgusting misappropriation of the religious concept of awakening. There is nothing—nothing—enlightened about the "woke" crowd, which is a fulminating mass of rage and stupidity: the exact opposite of enlightenment.

ADDENDUM: here's a thought-experiment for you: what if I were to take out all the spin from the above snatch of text and print only what counts as hard news? The above text would look like this, stripped of all spin:
Red Bull just fired its top two North American executives, along with entire marketing teams and "culture" teams dedicated to pushing the concept of systemic racism.
We've gotten so used to conflating fact and opinion that the above exercise is fairly intellectually refreshing. Now go try this Gedankenexperient out on any random article from The Huffington Post.

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