Wednesday, July 01, 2020

an email to my goddaughter

Sorry, folks. I had placed a lengthy email to my goddaughter—who had recently graduated from college—in this space. After leaving it up a couple of hours, I decided to take it down and allow private correspondence to remain private. While I had put the email up in the spirit of sharing some positive sentiments with my readers, it occurred to me that my goddaughter might not approve of having an audience read a message that had ostensibly been meant just for her. So with that in mind, and feeling somewhat chastened, I've decided to take the email down. My apologies to anyone whose feelings have been hurt by this action, and my apologies to anyone whose feelings have been hurt by my having initially uploaded that email.


  1. No apologies needed. Your blog, your call. I only have a handful of readers at my place, but sometimes I worry that I operate on the assumption that no one I know will read what I write. I don't talk about my blog to anyone in my small town circle of friends, but I've had two people here mention recently that they found it by accident.

    I should probably self-censor more often than I do.

  2. Totally understandable. I think you made the right call.

  3. I slapped the email up on the blog, but the more I thought about why I was doing it, the more I realized that this amounted to showboating: "Hey, guys! Come see the profound thoughts on life that I sent to a loved one!" This was more about vanity than about "the spirit of sharing some positive sentiments with my readers," so I took the piece down. I also realized that, when you make a birthday cake specifically for that special someone, you don't let the general public take hundreds of bites out it before it ever reaches your intended recipient. (Okay, the cake analogy doesn't quite work, but you get what I mean.)



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