Friday, July 24, 2020

if you capitalize "Black," then you'd better capitalize "White"

I'm currently reading through A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor, a screed by Princeton classics professor Joshua Katz, who seems to have had enough of all the political correctness, the wokeness, the leftie-liberal self-righteousness, and the concomitant stifling of free speech and free thought. At one point early in his essay, Katz writes:

In 1776[,] there were “united States[,]” but there was not yet the “United States”; in these past two months, by contrast, at a time when we are increasingly un-united, “black” has become “Black” while “white” remains “white.”

To that, I say: if you capitalize "Black," then you sure as shit had better capitalize "White." Don't respect one race while disrespecting the other just because you think blackness, as a concept (a concept that you, liberal whitey, don't fully understand or appreciate), deserves to be linguistically enshrined and made untouchable—protected from the crude deplorables who make up at least half the country. If you have any sense of fairness, then if you enshrine the one, you must enshrine the other. If, however, you're the type to reject the notion that all lives matter equally, then I imagine my injunction here will fall on deaf ears.

Ears filled with chickenshit, in my opinion.

As for me: I'm going to ignore this current linguistic fad and keep referring to people as "black" and "white." Fuck your pious capitalization.

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