Tuesday, July 28, 2020

stupidity is everywhere

Listening to this chica screech like a five-year-old (in East Asia, juvenile = sexy, for some sick reason*) is enough to give one a headache, but it may be worth it for the Schadenfreudige value alone. As many commenters observed, the bitch deserved what she got. Fame comes at a price, even for obscure YouTubers, and this lady deserved far worse. She's lucky.

*I like my women to be women, thanks. Whenever young Asian chicks start up with what Koreans call aegyo, i.e., vomitous cutesiness, I get nauseous. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean guys all think this shit is sexy, though. Sure, we juvenilize sexuality in the West, too: think of any number of porn scenarios involving "Catholic schoolgirls" in short, pleated skirts, or "cheerleaders" wearing much the same thing, or "teens" (who often aren't really teens) getting defiled for the "first" time. But however much we juvenilize in the West, the phenomenon is way, way worse in East Asia. Twenty-something girlfriends here will employ artificially high, screechy, cartoonish voices not unlike what you hear in the above video. They'll pout like children when they're not getting their way. They'll employ a sickening species of baby-talk that I find utterly off-putting, but which Korean guys seem to drink up. Gack. Blech. This may be one reason why I'm still single (along with my introversion, I guess). I want nothing to do with women who act girly. Even worse is the fact that we've got women in their forties who still try to act as if they're under ten years old. One of my supervisors, a forty-something mom who has pumped out a few children, still does the aegyo act: high-pitched cartoon voice, eyelash-batting, the works. I find it rather pathetic and desperate, but I can't help thinking that she'd be smoking hot if she simply dropped the aegyo—talked in a normal voice and acted her age instead of trying to seem decades younger. Ick.

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