Monday, September 07, 2020

death threat

GOP Congressman Paul Gosar recently received a nasty death threat from a retired teacher named Margaret Kathleen Spangenberg (whose photos make her seem like quite a nice old lady). Here's the text of her voice-messaged threat, which she was (1) stupid enough to leave as a recording after (2) taking no pains to hide herself from caller ID:

"So, the way I see it, since you supported a child rapist who has 65 years of crimes and you are doing shit about Covid, and I've had people die, I think it's totally ok for me to come with my gun and shoot you in the head.

That's what we think of you[,] Mr. Gosar. You're a murderer supporter[,] and you are just going down. Murderer, murderer, murderer supporter, you are going down.

And we’ll make sure we’ll send lots of protestors your way too.

You’re a real big fucking piece of shit."

I had a chuckle at the insult "murderer supporter," which sounds hilariously puerile (Spangenberg is a retired elementary-school teacher). I also had to wonder if Spangenberg wasn't committing the Bane Fallacy. You may recall, in "The Dark Knight Rises," that Bane—the main villain—says to a federal agent threatening a member of Bane's team: "Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane." By the same token, is Spangenberg first threatening to shoot Gosar in the head, and then send protestors to his house? She may need help with how to make sensible threats.

Article here (credit to Instapundit). Apparently, Rep. Gosar has been threatened several times before, and no arrests have ever been made. Personally, I think it might be nice to track this old lady down, drag her out onto the street, and administer some tough-love justice.

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