Sunday, November 01, 2020

election prediction

I already wrote this in a comment thread as a reply to a question from John Mac, who expressed chariness about the idiocy of American voters, so here it is again (edited):

I'm confident of a Trump win.  There might be some litigation in the same vein as what happened in 2000, but I don't think the problem's going to be anywhere near as pronounced as some people fear it will be.  Because I watch Tim Pool and other alt-media folks, I know that (1) the pandemic is even putting [prohibitive] pressure on people who want to vote by mail, and (2) some early mail-in voting results seem to indicate that Trump is benefiting from the mail-in ballots.  This attempt at cheating by the left-Dems isn't going to yield the results they're looking for, and I think it's safe to say we're in for a massive display of the Trump Effect, i.e., the blowback that occurs when the left tries to screw Trump over.  As Pool says, Republican voters are primed to "crawl over broken glass" to get to the voting booth, and the in-person vote will be massively in favor of Trump thanks to the riots, to Joe Biden's stated agenda (which includes destroying the oil industry, similar to how Hillary went after the coal miners), and other dumbfuckery by the left.  I suppose there's a small chance the "margin of fraud" might be wide enough to create an upset, but I'd put that chance at under 10%.  We'll know more in less than a week, eh?  Me, I've already voted, so my thinking is that it's in God's hands now.

Pulling the lever for Biden would be an act of idiocy, for sure.  Such voters would be electing a senile, drooling moron who is a mere shadow of his former feisty (albeit serially prevaricating) self.  Both Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have spent years advocating policies that locked up black people for petty crimes, and now they're doing a 180 and pretending to be all for the black community.  The bullshit reeks from even miles away.  As for the rest of the economy, Biden would undo everything Trump has done to deregulate businesses and create jobs; as I suggested above, Biden is now on record as willing to destroy the US's oil industry.  How's that going to play in states that depend on that industry?

I trust the American voter has more sense than to vote for the party of bigotry and economic backwardness (and yes, I mean the Democrats).  I trust that enough people see through the lies of the mainstream media (then again, a buddy of mine was recently quoting CNN-sanctioned figures regarding COVID-19 deaths... sigh) to perceive the truth.  As Glenn Reynolds archly noted, the reason why a firefighters' union recently declared itself pro-Trump is that no firefighter is going to vote for the party of arson.* Of course, the media are doing what they can to describe the riots and arson and general destruction as "peaceful protests."  The Baghdad Bobbing of the American people is both obvious and shameless, and I trust that most American voters know better.  The Dems are the party of arson, of violent self-expression (riots, Antifa, BLM, general emotional incontinence), of racial bigotry ("you ain't black"), of economic backwardness (Green New Deal = ban airplanes along with cow farts), and of social disunity (critical race theory, third-wave feminism, postmodernism, Marxism, etc.).  So, yeah:  I'm predicting a Trump victory this time around, with clearer eyes than I had in 2016.  The media have learned nothing in the interim, so if they plan on rehashing 2016, then 2020 will indeed be a rehash of 2016.  The Hominid hath spoken.

*The actual quote from here: "It’s hard to expect firefighters to endorse a party of arsonists."


  1. The world needs you to be right about this, Kevin. Don't let us down!

  2. Kevin would walk barefoot on grass to get to a polling booth.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *

  3. Luckily, Kevin has already voted, so he can spare his feet the horrifying risk and danger of grass.



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