Friday, November 06, 2020

some folks are fighting mad

Reader John Wick (no joke:  that's his name) sends the following Candace Owens video:

And from Instapundit, here's a link to a Larry Correia article: "Fuckery Is Afoot."  What follows is a lightly edited excerpt:

I am more offended by how ham-fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president. I think Joe Biden is a corrupt idiot; however, I think America would survive him as we’ve survived previous idiot administrations. However, what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged and they’re eternally fucked. And now, however this shakes out in court, that’s exactly what half the country is going to think.


For the last four years, half the country was all “Trump is illegitimate! He’s not my president! He stole the election!”—so on and so forth, and that was all based upon nebulous ideas about “Russian Interference.” The Russian Interference mostly boiled down to the Russians' buying ads on Facebook or having fake bots trolling on Twitter last time. This time, the actual megacorporations—Facebook, Twitter, and Google—have themselves actively censored stories in order to protect their candidate. So you think after this pile of suspicious election clusterfucks that make the game look totally rigged, the other half of the country is going to accept Joe Biden as legitimate? Oh, hell, no.

I've said it before:  a basic test of a country's health is its ability to undergo peaceful transfers of power.  If the US has arrived at a point where peaceful transfers are no longer possible, then we are, as a country, well and truly fucked.  At the very least, the left has removed all trust in the system, and the restoration of that trust is going to be an uphill battle, assuming the battle is undertaken at all.  I blame the right for much of the current problem:  people have been aware of leftist chicanery for a very long time, but no aggressive action has been taken.  Like the proverbial frog in the slowly boiling pot, the right has become the victim of its own laziness and passivity, always pumping out rhetoric but never taking any action.  By that reckoning, the nation as a whole deserves the likes of Joe Biden, and I hope people are aware enough, four years from now, to take some moral lessons from a Biden/Harris regime and stop such a thing from ever happening again.

In writing about international relations, I've noted that I prefer an America that's feared and respected on the global scene to one that's merely loved.  Obama went the "love" route, and look what it got him.  Did he and the US gain any respect, or political leverage, in regions like China or the Middle East?  Not at all.  Did pallets of cash to Iran gain us Iran's respectful cooperation?  No.  But when Trump launched a strike that killed General Soleimani, Iran quieted down immediately, and in the meantime, peace has been breaking out all over the Middle East.  My point, though, isn't about international affairs:  it's about how Trump ought to act domestically if he manages to secure a second term.  Maybe he should become the nightmare that the left says he is:  fearsomely authoritarian, strict, and draconian, meting out swift justice to those who go against his mandates.  Trump the Tyrant, but a tyrant whose ire is directed solely at the craven, mendacious, hypocritical left.  I'm not saying Trump should go full Hitler on the left; we don't need death camps.  But maybe it's time the left learned the meaning of fear and respect.  That seems to be the only language the apes understand.

1 comment:

  1. I've not delved into the evidence of fraud, but the bits and pieces I'm hearing about are more than a little concerning. On the other hand, why didn't the culprits steal the Senate majority while they were at it?

    Still, it is crazy insane that we are having this conversation about the f'n United States of America. You are entirely correct though, last go around the FBI and intelligence agencies attempted to undermine the election with impunity. What did the right expect to happen this time?



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