Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Styx wakes up in Amsterdam and isn't happy

Styx (who apparently lives in Holland with his Dutch wife now) says it's time to rattle the cage and demand ratification of Trump's win.  I can hear the left replying that it's not over yet.  Styx's anger indicates his desperation:  we could still lose this even if, by all rights, we shouldn't.  We've apparently reached the point predicted by many a pundit:  faith in the electoral system is lost, and this is when both sides accuse each other of fraud, intimidation, and sundry underhanded acts.  This may be the moment when civil war finally breaks out across the country.

I had a difference of opinion with my American coworker regarding whether Trump would refuse to concede if he lost.  I dismissed the scenario as a fantasy being peddled by the left... and yet here we are, with Trump already threatening to invoke the power of the Supreme Court—which he just populated with yet another conservative Justice—to make sure the election is adjudicated fairly (well, fairly for Trump).

The Trump-won't-concede scenario has two major flavors:  strong and weak.  The weak version goes something like this:  Trump very reasonably refuses to concede a Biden victory because he's convinced there have been shenanigans.  He demands recounts, initiates lawsuits, and eventually pushes the matter all the way up to the Supreme Court, gambling that the Court—especially now that it's stacked in his favor—will rule that he won the election.  This is not the scenario I was envisioning when I said the very notion was a leftist fantasy.  What I envisioned was the strong version of this scenario:  Trump escalates all the way to the Supreme Court, and the Court rules in favor of Biden, at which point Trump decides to barricade himself in the White House, telling the world he's not budging and essentially saying "Come at me, bro" to the leftie rioters who will want to storm the White House and die trying.  This scenario is, to me, inconceivable:  Trump doesn't strike me as brave enough to want to put himself into a potential fire zone (and he'd certainly want to keep his family well away from potential violence), and as unjust as it might be, I think he'd prefer a peaceful transfer of power over the risk of killing innocent and not-so-innocent citizens.  He'd concede rather than pull an Alamo.  This scenario really is impossible to imagine.

So what can we expect over the next few weeks?  Well, some states have already announced that they reserve the right to count mail-in ballots for the next week or so, so we're certainly not done with the vote-counting.  If Trump tries to invoke the Supreme Court now, as he's threatening to do, he might end up damaging his own cause.  I think the nation is going to be in a holding pattern, and eventually, it'll be up to the Supreme Court to adjudicate the election.  It'll be 2000 all over again, but on a larger scale, and we can expect riots once the Court makes its decision (likely pro-Trump) known.

All this would have been easier had Trump won a decisive victory over Biden.  As things stand, Decision Desk has the Trump-Biden score at 213 to 227 in Biden's favor.  The popular-vote count is 67.008 million to 69.355 million in favor of Biden—a narrower margin than against Hillary Clinton in 2016.  California provided Biden a boost, but not nearly as much as it had for Clinton.  How much of the current vote count is fraudulent?  I don't know; I suspect a good chunk of it is, and it's only going to become more fraudulent as more mail-in ballots are counted.  Things aren't looking good for Trump, and it could be that my predictive powers have once again failed me because I failed to consider the nature and intensity of leftist mendacity.  The left has certainly succeeded in eroding all faith in the electoral process; the moral of this story ought to be that we need to go back to exclusively in-person voting, with paper ballots, after the showing of a recognized photo ID.  But most US election commissions won't learn that lesson; they're too in love with electoral fraud and too afraid of being called racist.  Political correctness may have doomed us all.

It's all rather depressing, but when I ponder what lies ahead for a doddering, senile, idiotic President Biden, all I can think is Good fucking luck, you moldy old cunt.  It could well be that his corpse has been dragged over the finish line, but within a year or two, we'll be looking at a President Kamala.  God help us all when that happens.

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