Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tim Pool is on a tear

What the hell did you think was going to happen?

CNN's death rattle and final dump:

As Pool biblically says:  you reap what you sow.  Minneapolis is getting exactly what it deserves for pushing the stupid "defund the police" movement.  Defund the police, and the police leave.  The police leave, and crime goes up.  Apparently, this simple chain of thought is beyond the capability of the simpleminded left to follow.  I was recently told by a wild-eyed, now-former e-friend ("e-friend" because we have never met in real life, so I've never considered this person a real friend) that my beliefs (with which he is obviously unfamiliar) are an existential threat to him and his way of life.  This person really ought to look in the mirror and understand how his own retarded voting habits are going to doom him and his family.  Rioting hasn't been confined to the big cities; it has spread, in many cases, to nearby suburbs.  Good fucking luck preserving your hearth and home when the rioters come for you and yours.*  Too bad you'll never understand how the violence against you was caused and condoned by you.  Well... retards gotta retard.

As for CNN... I can only hope that Pool is right.  Over at Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds is facetiously suggesting that Trump should buy the network and rebrand it as "Trump TV" or something.  In a comment, I offered "Trump Honest Updates Ground Zero" (THUGZ).  No response to that yet, except from the resident troll, whom I'd blocked a while ago, which makes it impossible to see what he's written.  Not that I particularly care.

*My interlocutor lives in DeKalb, where they've already had riots and looting.

1 comment:

  1. It does appear that Karma is going to be a busy bitch for the next four years.



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