Friday, January 15, 2021

hang Jack Dorsey now

Is there any doubt that Big Tech is actively censoring non-left voices?  This incredible link offers evidence that had been handed over to Project Veritas:  a video showing Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter) talking about how Twitter is currently focused on repressing Donald Trump's Twitter account, but that the ultimate focus is on much more than Trump, i.e., this is a wide-reaching project to silence non-left voices.  In the video, Dorsey speaks in self-righteous, pious-sounding euphemisms, but the thrust of his agenda is ominously clear.

I don't buy into conspiracy theories that claim the world is controlled by an oligarchic cabal, but when you see frightening shit like this from one of the world's biggest billionaires, and you see similarly authoritarian behavior from other billionaires, you do have to wonder.

This might be a good time to remind liberals that the so-called "one percent" that they claim to abhor is composed of left-liberal Democrats like Jack Dorsey.  Zuckerberg?  Democrat.  Gates?  Democrat.  Bezos?  Democrat.  This spoiled, over-privileged class of people now runs the world and has access to all your personal information, your expressed thoughts, and records of your daily activities.  If you liberals truly despise and want to tear down the "one percent," well, here they are.  Now get to work.

ADDENDUM:  a comment from the above-linked article says:

Jack D and Jeff Z would tell Rosa Parks to get her own bus. And then forbid her a driver's license and insurance when she bought one.

I wouldn't lose any sleep if all these pieces of shit ended up swinging from lampposts.

1 comment:

  1. Scary times. Made scarier by the fact that half the population is blind to where this road will ultimately lead...



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