Thursday, January 07, 2021

quick reminder to commenters

I don't like deleting comments that are otherwise harmless and well intended, but as my comments policy states (the policy sits right over the comment window—READ IT, for God's sakes), I don't publish anonymous comments.  If you can't log in with a proper screen name, at least sign your name or nickname within the comment itself.  Two comments appeared in my moderation queue just a moment ago, but with no name attached, so I deleted them.  Please respect my comments policy, which even shouts out in all caps, "READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING!"—and all will be well.

The reason I insist upon signed comments is that I think people should take responsibility for what they say.  I also abhor the cowardly act of sock puppetry, so even if you sign your comment with a pseudonym, I expect you to show consistency by always using the same pseudonym whenever you visit the blog.

Of course, some people simply have a brain fart and forget to append their names to their comments.  In such cases, it's not that they're trying to dodge responsibility for what they say; it's an honest mistake.  I get that.  But the policy is what it is, and I try not to enforce it inconsistently unless I'm absolutely sure, given the comment's prose style, that I know who the commenter is.  Dig around this blog long enough, and you'll see a few anonymous comments that made it through, but as I said, that's because I knew who was commenting.  Try not to make a habit of forgetting your name when commenting, please.

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All comments are subject to approval before they are published, so they will not appear immediately. Comments should be civil, relevant, and substantive. Anonymous comments are not allowed and will be unceremoniously deleted. For more on my comments policy, please see this entry on my other blog.