Monday, January 11, 2021

two utterly contrasting worldviews

There's the batshit-crazy leftist worldview of my buddy Dr. Steve...

...and there's the saner worldview of Jeffrey Carter.  I disagree, however, with the thesis that "Republicans have to fight."  What Carter is advocating is a cleansing of the GOP to get rid of all the GOPe elements currently inhabiting the swamp.  An understandable sentiment, but what really needs to happen is that everyone should be burned out of Congress so that we can start anew, with new political parties.  Somebody has to fight, it's true, but not the GOP.  The GOP is finished, and it's time for a new nationalist/populist party with a new agenda.  I've already outlined what a hypothetical Patriot Party platform would look like:

The term "Patriot Party" has been floated around by many Trumpistas. Such a party would advocate continued avoidance of military meddling on the world stage (a Democrat ideal from the 90s and before), the continued prioritizing of US workers over non-American workers (a Democrat ideal from the 90s), and robust border security (a Democrat ideal espoused by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama).  A Patriot Party would have no problems with legal immigration adding to the diverse sociocultural makeup of the US, but it would probably demand that incoming immigrants be of the type who can contribute constructively and meaningfully to the US economy. There would be no room for the shiftless, the lazy, the stupid, and the anti-integrationist. So, yes: assimilationism would be a huge plank of the Patriot Party platform: accept our core values or begone. The same would be true for election integrity; I can imagine Patriots demanding that all future voting be in-person, with a proper ID, on paper ballots to be hand-counted by staffers of several affiliations so as to keep each other honest. Patriots would also be unabashed free-market capitalists who would reform corporate tax law and continue deregulating businesses so the economy could function more smoothly. Their free-market ideas would be implemented in the area of health care as well, making the current US system more like the South Korean system, which is far more free-market oriented than the US system is.

Where I do agree with Carter is in the urgent need for election reform.  Carter's article echoes what I wrote above.  Election reform is essential if anything more is to be done.  Dr. Steve, in his unhinged post, argues that the 2020 election fraud is, at heart, one huge lie, but even liberals like Tim Pool have been saying there's plenty of evidence of fraud.  You have to be blind, stupid, or insane to deny that reality.  There is so much eye-witness testimony to various instances of fraud out there.  Not hearsay—direct witness.  And the GOP jurists who should have done their Constitutional duty and examined these cases simply rolled over and played dead, all the way up to the level of the Supreme Court.  Trump may be clever in some ways, and he might be good at reading human character, but he obviously has problems when it comes to choosing people who will be loyal when times get tough.  In that area, Trump has proven as blind as the leftists who ignore electoral fraud.

In his post, Dr. Steve rattles on about fascism, but it's evident that he, too, has no clue what real fascism is.  He's obviously as hypnotized as the rest of his wild-eyed tribe.

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