Saturday, August 14, 2021

a windy walk, despite there being little wind

There was an occasional breeze as I walked along the Tan Creek toward Bundang, but that wasn't the only wind: I was really farty the entire way, and with so many other people on the path, it was hard to find the opportunity to let off some of that gas pressure. I'm hoping the farts are a sign that a nice, big poop is on the horizon—preferably before I weigh myself tomorrow morning. I've been faithfully taking my fiber tabs (fiber is something that keto-heads have to worry about unless they're eating mounds of cauliflower and broccoli, which most aren't), and that has helped me to stay more or less regular, although frequency of peeing and pooping has dropped significantly since I left the hospital in May. (That's a good sign: frequent urination is a common sign of diabetes.)

So maybe today's farts are what propelled me enough to set a new walking record—over 5 kph is still fairly slow by Korean standards, but it's fast for me.

I saw my first "you're not wearing a mask" glare today from a woman on the path who gazed at me fixedly, staring daggers from behind her mask. I'm sure she didn't notice the dozens of unmasked Koreans around her; what mattered was the obviously infected foreigner spreading pestilence among the populace. Idiot. But hey, staring daggers is still better than Karening someone, and since I don't give a shit about a stranger's opinion, I can't say that this incident will keep me awake tonight.

Don't live in fear!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had more emissions than John Kerry's private jet. Aren't you worried about melting the ice caps? Keep it up and we are all doomed!



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