Saturday, September 11, 2021

a scary thought on 9/11: are we finally edging closer to civil war?

I've long contended that, if American society were ever to break down into civil war, the side with all the guns would make short work of the other side. Rhetoric on the right is becoming increasingly bellicose, which evokes in me the dual paradoxical responses of "About fucking time" and "It's gonna be bloody."

But a resigned part of me thinks a civil war is what we've been creeping toward for a while, now, and maybe it's exactly the sort of purge the country needs. I've been quietly advocating for people to take up arms and take back their government for some time; others around me are still refusing to see the need to stop talking and start acting. To that extent, I regret not being in America when the call to arms goes out; I'd happily crack some heads in the name of freedom. Hell, I even have a list of people I'd like to see swinging from lampposts, starting with Joe Biden, but including Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Liu, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Krugman, Cuomo (both brothers), Maddow, Olbermann, Stelter, Lemon, Zucker, and so on. It's a long list, this roll-call of pathological liars. It also includes most of Hollywood.

And one fact needs to be faced: if the right finally gets up the courage to engage in violence, it has to remember that this reckoning is past due. It not, as the left will attempt to say, a matter of, "Aha, see? We knew the right was violent all along!" The right has stood by silently while the left has pillaged, marred, and devastated, all while suffering few to no consequences for its actions. Up to now, it's seemed to me that nothing could possibly provoke the right to action, and I've expressed that disappointment on this blog repeatedly.

Don't misunderstand: I'm not champing at the bit for war, and I'm not some unheeding advocate for violence. All my life, I've been taught by various people—and so have you, most likely—that violence is a last resort, only to be used when self-defense is the last option. Well, folks, we're there, now. The time for talking peaceably has come and gone, and the entire country is about to go over the cliff unless people of stout heart and sturdy conscience do something. Evil people need to be held to account, made to feel extreme pain, then disposed of, preferably slowly and dramatically.

I'm also not unaware that I have friends on the other side of the aisle, many of whom would likely be horrified to read my thoughts on the current situation. To the extent that these friends are reasonable folks who deplore violence and favor dialogue, I'm not talking about them, and I'd be happy to air disagreements with them in the spirit of dialogue. Such friends represent hope for the future, and besides: even if I can't convince them of the rightness of my point of view, I can live with them in a spirit of principled disagreement while remaining friends. I would hate to see any harm come to them, and I would hope they would appreciate a libertarian attitude of "live and let live."

No, the ones I'm talking about are the ones I listed above, who are beyond saving and immune to discussion. I'm talking about the AOCs (and the rest of the Squad), the Bernie Bros, Antifa, BLM, and all the other race hustlers, grifters, and shit-stirrers who deserve a painful death.

And now, at long last, I'm starting to see the right openly contemplate the need to pass beyond words to actual action. I don't normally like Sarah Hoyt's stilted, awkward prose, but in a recent post, she says these things (boldface emphasis mine):

WE THE PEOPLE ARE SICK AND TIRED of your [shenanigans]. You [hell-hounds], you filthy spawn of the ass of Mao, you disgusting [maggots] on the corpse of communism. Get back to the hell that created you, before we send you there.


Do not threaten Americans. Do not threaten Americans when our patience is already thin. OUR patience.

You’re not our father, you’re not our mother, and you’re most certainly not our president.

You are at best a demented and corrupt despot manipulated by overgrown children who don’t know they’re playing with nuclear fire.



Now go. While you can.

We the people have had it with you.

Is the right finally waking up? I hope to God this is so. And Larry Correia desperately needs a proofreader, but he has this to say in a similar vein (emphasis again mine):

And then some of you will ask, but Correia, what’s your solution? LOL. What solution? Shit’s probably going to get weirder. My solution? Buy ammo and food storage. Make friends with your neighbors and be useful to your community. Don’t live anywhere run by [Democrats].

[Best-case] scenario is the opposition party finds its spine and actually fights for something. That might stall the doomsday clock a bit. Realistically? They’ll screw it up. Or win (depending on how “fortified” the mid-term election is) and squander it as usual. Note however, I’m not saying the two parties are morally equivalent. That’s for cowards. Republicans suck, but the DNC as currently constituted is pure Satanic evil incarnate.

As our elected leaders continue to suck and fail, I expect to see a lot more civil disobedience happen. This isn’t a shocker. The left has already made it very clear that the rules don’t apply to them. The left burns, loots, murders, whatever. It all gets a pass. The right gets slightly uppity and it’s a [world-ending] crisis that requires the full might of the federal government to come crashing down on [its head] and 24/7 news coverage for months and special commissions[,] and anybody who tangentially agrees with those uppity types needs to be driven from society for their extremist ways.


This lop-sided shit can’t last. The government doesn’t have a monopoly on force. Force got delegated to it by the people because the people trusted the government to use that force fairly. That’s the real “social contract[,”] and when it breaks[,] bad things happen.

And for the fools cheering this madness on, we have this system for a reason. We have laws for a reason. We create laws the way we do for a reason. The founding fathers weren’t stupid. They were smarter than you idiots. Quit trying to gut or destroy every protection they put in place. That shit is there to protect you. But these stupid motherfuckers are not going to quit pushing until a critical mass of Americans just says fuck it and [goes full-on] Rwandan machete party.

We're edging closer, I think, to a real, honest-to-God civil war. When even the pundits are starting to sound bellicose, you know it's getting bad (even the normally staid Glenn Reynolds recently wrote a sharp-tongued article—not calling for war, mind you, but certainly more vitriolic in tone than his normal stuff). Unlike the Civil War of the 1800s, the borders for this one won't be well-defined—it'll be neighbor versus neighbor—but the aftermath might end up with a divorce that somehow involves geography. I have no idea what that might look like, but it seems to me the end of the Union is upon us, and bloody divorce is the only way out. I don't say that with any joy.


  1. That's a scary thought and I hope it doesn't come to that. But yeah, we are running out of options. The rhetoric in this post was reminiscent of what I've been reading from lefties for years advocating violence against their political enemies. I want us to be better than that, and actions speak louder than words anyway. When (and if) the time comes to retake our freedom by any means necessary, including violence, I'll be on board.

    I'm trying to imagine the event that would trigger a mass uprising from the right. The vaccine mandate isn't it. Ending the filibuster? Packing the Supreme Court? Stealing another election? Those would probably wake folks up to the fact that the game has been rigged so playing by the rules is pointless.

    My favorite founder saw this as inevitable from the beginning: "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." --Thomas Jefferson.

  2. Alas, the "we're better than that" attitude is one of the things preventing action. We're past the point, I think, where that argument holds water.



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