Wednesday, November 17, 2021

another reason to hold out on getting jabbed

It could be that, if you've gotten vaccinated, you're part of the problem:

The most vaccinated population in the world exists on Gibraltar, a British commonwealth located at the southern end of Spain. The average number of vaccinations is 2.79 per person for all residents.

However, even with that level of vaccination density, or perhaps—more likely—because of that level of vaccination density, the narrow peninsula is experiencing a massive rise in COVID-19 infections.  As a result, the Gibraltar government announced today that all Christmas assemblies must be stopped, and citizens must re-evaluate their intent to gather in celebration...

This outcome in Gibraltar reminds me of the prior warning from Geert Vanden Bossche, a scientist and expert vaccine developer (Belgium)[,] in September

When Vanden Bossche initially reviewed the high vaccination rates in Israel, [he] warned [that] the absence of a natural-immunity population to fight the virus would lead to an uncontrollable spread of the virus in the vaccinated community.  The higher the vaccination rates, the more serious the spread of the virus amid the population that only carries the immune system protection provided by the vaccine. 

I encapsulated his outline here: “The widespread vaccination rate is creating pressure on the virus to mutate into variants with higher levels of contagion. The unvaccinated group has been keeping the pressure down by defeating the virus and carrying natural immunity. However, as the unvaccinated population is increasingly made smaller, the pressure on the virus to mutate increases. Subsequently, these mutations stay at higher or more effective levels of infection.” 

At this point, I'm almost impatient to get infected so I can enjoy natural immunity.

Credit to Instapundit for the above.

Also: the otherization of the unvaccinated is proceeding quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard about this wrinkle before. I'm honestly beginning to think that these vaccinations truly are counter-productive. Let the f'n virus run its course, mourn for its victims, then let the rest of us get on with our lives.



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