Friday, November 26, 2021

no measurements this weekend: why bother?

I'm not a bulimic who binges and purges; I just binge and then fast. And I'll be doing a lot of fasting after yesterday's orgy of food. This weekend, though, I won't be doing my usual gathering of data because, frankly, I already know the numbers are going to be bad. I doubtless gained a couple kilos yesterday; my blood sugar is almost certainly through the roof, and I didn't have a chance, yet, to do my stair work properly (I did 0.5 staircases this past Tuesday, and this is the week I'm supposed to graduate to 2.5 staircases), so my BP, which is already high, probably went even higher. 

Now, we're in the penance phase, and I have exactly three weeks, including today, to get my numbers back down to something sane. Not much I can do about my A1c in three weeks: that's a three-month average, but I'll trust that, over the past three months, I didn't fall too far off the wagon. I have a specific plan for the next three weeks, but for you, I'll say vaguely that it's going to involve carnivore plus fasting. No more cheats until after my doctor's appointment on December 16. Expect numbers again starting next week.


  1. I'm curious why a one-day binge can be so devastating...2kgs from one meal? Did the food even weigh that much before consumption?

    I'll confess that on rare occasions I've sat down in front of the computer eating ice cream out of the box and before I know it, I've eaten the whole half gallon. I tell myself, well, does it really matter if you eat it all at once rather than over the course of a few days? It's the same amount of carbs and calories either way, right?

  2. Everyone is wired differently, and I've come to understand that my body is a loser of the genetic lottery: it absorbs every gram of carbs I give it and takes every opportunity to make me fatter if I let it. I'm a metabolic mess. The harsh conclusion is that, if I really want to lose weight, I have to subject my body to a very strict regime.

    I cooked a ton of food for Thanksgiving, so yeah, it was easy for me to gain at least a kilo with the food alone, plus more if you add sodas. All of that doubtless blew up my blood sugar, and the rest of the bad numbers surely followed.



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