Friday, January 07, 2022

top priorities

I've expressed, over the past few blog posts, some goals and resolutions for the new year, but among those, my top priorities are (1) my health (cardiovascular, muscular, etc.), (2) self-publishing the two books I currently have in the pipe (movie reviews and homeschooling), and (3) learning up to intermediate-level Spanish. Doing those three things will give me a sense of accomplishment for the year even if I flake out and fail at everything else.

Right now on GETTR (I think I'd prefer to write it as "Gettr"; Wikipedia seems to think "Gettr" is legit), I've been writing a bit about what it's like to walk across Korea—just talking about basic stuff for anyone who might be interested in walking the length of the country. You can write posts up to 777 characters in length (why they chose that number, I'll never know), so I've been writing a little series of entries that essentially distill the "wisdom" (ha) on display on my walk blogs. I've also been linking to certain memes and articles. You know me.

The weekend is upon us, and there's much to do. I had idly thought of taking the bus out to Goesan-gun tomorrow morning, then taxiing over to Yeonpoong-myeon (Lotus Wind Village?) to do a walk along a segment of the Saejae path. This would have been less about walking for exercise and more about determining whether it's even feasible to find transportation to the segment's starting point and from the segment's endpoint. But it's winter, and that part of the trail is mountainous, so I don't want to risk encountering any snow or ice. I'll save that walk for the spring. Instead, this weekend, I might train over to Oksu Station and walk the 27 kilometers north along that creek (the Jungnang-cheon/중랑천) to Uijeongbu Station. I've never been to Uijeongbu before; maybe I should break my diet and eat some budae-jjigae while I'm there since that's supposedly the home of budae-jjigae.


  1. UJB! That's where I live. Will need to show you around and point out the best walking trails up north next time you swing by!

  2. Shoot me an email (my email address is on the blog's sidebar), and I'll let you know when I walk up that way so we can meet up. It's about time I met another of my readers. Just hoping you're not some mass murderer with a fridge full of body parts.



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