Tuesday, February 15, 2022

a new (or not-so-new) flavor

A new flavor, and it's keto! Imagine little candies made with 72% dark chocolate, black-sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. I just tried the flavor combo with some leftover sunflower and black-sesame seeds, plus a few squares of 72% dark chocolate bought from downstairs... and it tasted great! I want to try melting the chocolate, adding the seeds, making some little bars (might have to buy a silicone candy-bar mold from B&C Market), freezing them, then giving them to my coworkers to see what they think. Now, while the weather is still relatively cold, is a good time to try this. Come summer, everything will melt.

They say that, as you get used to eating food that is less sweet, previously bitter-tasting things (like dark chocolate) can start to taste sweeter, so it could be that this little project might backfire. But what I tasted tonight was pretty damn good, so I'm gonna risk it.

(For keto-heads, the recommendation is to eat chocolate that is 70% cacao or higher. I also have a ton of cocoa mass—100% cacao*—to which I can add an artificial sweetener like erythritol, plus some heavy cream to blunt the bitterness. Heavy cream adds a ton of calories, but very little in the way of carbs.)


*While there is apparently a technical difference between cocoa and cacao, for dietary purposes, some experts say the terms are effectively interchangeable (see here).

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