Saturday, February 19, 2022

Hillary's spying on Trump redux

The left's answer to rightie cries of "scandal of the century!" is, these days, simply to ignore the noise and plod (plot) on. It's like how American comedians characterize the way Asians drive: the Asian cuts you off, then blithely continues on, not even bothering to look at you. (That's not a stereotype, by the way—it's truth: I see that sort of rudeness up close on a daily basis. If you're not part of an Asian's circle of respect and care, you're no one. Ignore strangers, for they are nothing is the order of the day here.) So it should come as no surprise that the left, now faced with increasing evidence of yet more Clintonian perfidy against Donald Trump (who was mockingly made to seem paranoid and out of touch when he claimed he was being spied on), should simply dismiss this scandal as a nothingburger. Further, the left has been trying hard to gaslight the population: "No, of course nothing of the sort ever happened, silly!"

Well, here are two videos, one from America Uncovered, and one from Russell Brand, about the fact that the spying did occur. Will there be apologies? Will heads roll? Of course not. We live in the age of no consequences for bad actions, and if there is such a thing as divine justice, it won't happen anywhere where we mortals can see it.

While I applaud Brand's notion that there ought to at least be apologies for what occurred, I don't agree with his heedless moral equivalence, which seems to imply that both parties are somehow equally bad. I've adopted the cynical pose myself, in the past, so I know what it smells like. While I don't doubt that the two sides of the aisle spend a lot of time trading the stupid hat back and forth, my own feeling is that it's the left that's currently wearing the hat. This doesn't mean I see the right as somehow perfect (there's a ton of anti-Republican grumbling on the right), but I do see the left as definitely the worse of the two sides at this moment in history. Personally, I'd like to go back to a healthier dynamic tension between left and right in which differences are aired civilly and rationally, but if we're at a stage where the left is smashing windows, burning buildings, and otherwise throwing assorted tantrums, then it's safe to say we've arrived at the flamethrower stage of discourse, and nothing short of a full purge will do because the left has basically forced the issue. Of course, should the right turn violent (and from what I see, after two years of police-state nonsense, there's no guarantee it ever will), the left will then claim this was the violence inherent in a rightie worldview the whole time, conveniently forgetting all the burning, looting, and murdering done by the left up to that point. BLM: burn, loot, murder, as the pessimists (or realists) say.

1 comment:

  1. I'm old enough to remember when Watergate was a big deal. This scandal is infinitely worse. When the left calls the right "anti-democracy" it is a case of self-projection. Our liberty has never been more at risk than it is today.



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