Tuesday, February 15, 2022

quoted on Instapundit

Seen here on Instapundit:

Since day one of the epidemic[,] practically every policy decision by government and the largely Democratic academic community has been based on lies. And those lies caused the initial response to COVID to be wrong and misguided. It was panicked, thoughtless, based on very flawed models rather than the actual data, and did far more harm than good. The later and continuing mandates requiring the COVID shots and masks to keep one’s job, to fly on airplanes, to cross borders, to even go to school or attend public events, are even more insane, based not on the now long-known facts but on lies and fear[,] and the urge by those in power to wield that power corruptly.

It is long past time for everyone to stop buying into these lies.

And it appears the public is finally waking up to these lies. This realization, that the Wuhan panic was based largely on lies, is one of the main reasons these power-hungry politicians are facing larger and larger protests worldwide, protests that are also becoming increasingly determined and defiant. The public is growing heartily sick of the lies they have been fed for the past two years, and [they] are angry at the damage it has [done to] their friends, their neighbors, their families, their children, and to themselves.

They want the lying to stop. And they want it to [stop now.]

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