Saturday, April 23, 2022

today's walk: slightly truncated

I think my buddy JW is going through some sort of phase. Not sure what it is, but by his own admission, he's been low-energy and fairly unmotivated for the last little while. JW has had a growing tendency, during our recent walks, to cut the walks short. He'll do about 90% of them, then conk out and give up. Today, a mere 3 km from our goal, we stopped at a rest area, and JW declared himself to be done. I had made the mistake of noting that, during that final 3K, about 1K of the distance involved walking next to a freeway. JW latched onto that notion, and it became his excuse for not wanting to continue today, so we ended our walk at the rest area, and JW used his Kakao Taxi app to call us a cab to go to Jeomchon (점촌) Intercity Bus Terminal to grab an express bus back to Seoul. 

We're next going to walk from Sangju Sangpoong Bridge to the Nakdan Dam, and I'm not going to give JW any excuse to quit early. At least we did 23K today. It's not as good as doing 26K, but as Shakespeare said, Tis enough; twill serve.

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