Thursday, May 05, 2022


Over the past couple of weeks, my site traffic has dipped down to a much lower average: the 300s. I'd been in the 450-something doldrums for the longest time after enjoying a period of 600-some to 700-some visits per day, and maybe two or three times a year, there'd be a weird, random spike during which I'd have maybe 2,000-some visitors. Now, though, it's just drip—drip—drip: a mere trickle. Maybe I'm just too woke for some people. What this means is that, where I used to take 20,000 visitors a month for granted, then 15,000 visitors a month, I now have to wonder whether I'll break 10,000. Is this how the blog withers and dies? No matter; I'll continue to broadcast my nonsense into the ether for my five loyal readers because, while I do care whether I'm reaching anyone, the blog has always been, fundamentally, a way for me to get things off my chest, express myself, indulge in whimsy, and otherwise relieve stress and be creative. A blog is a selfish, narcissistic thing. So if you're a repeat visitor, Dear Reader, thank you, but if you've got better things to do, then by all means, You Do You. I understand if I'm not your top priority. Why would I be?


  1. Yep, you're definitely too woke. That's got to be it.

    As for how many visitors you have, meh. I haven't checked my logs for Liminality in at least a decade. There are a handful of people I know that keep up with my anemic output, and that's enough. I'd still write--when the mood takes me--even if there were none.

  2. I ain't going anywhere.

    I don't obsess over my much lower readership numbers. As Charles alludes, I write as much for me as I do for the folks who read the blog. That said, I really enjoy the interaction and feedback in the comments. So, more readers might generate more of that.

    One thing I've noticed as I've begun my strolls through the archives is that over the years I've had frequent commenters who have suddenly just disappeared. I don't know what happened, perhaps I'm also too woke these days. Anyway, writing in my blog diary is just one of those rituals I'll continue until my Biden-like transformation prevents me from doing so.

  3. Well, there's been talk of the death of blogs for a while now, so it is possible that we are just seeing a general decline in blog readership across the board. I'm pretty sure the young folk don't really read blogs anymore. In fact, you'd have a hard time convincing me that many of them know how to read at all. Most days I suspect that the only language they read fluently is TikTok.

  4. Been reading your blog for a long time, but on a relatively infrequent basis. (Side note - On the political spectrum, I think I skew a bit left of center, but at least in my mind, not too far. Probably fiscally conservative, socially liberal).

    Anyway, I do have a number of blogs bookmarked and when I am thinking about the ones that I follow, they all have something unique that interests me.

    In regards to your blog
    long distance hiking - interesting
    expat life in Korea - interesting
    Although not a foodie, your discussions about food are interesting.

    Political stuff, not so interesting to me. It may be my internal bias coming to the surface, but it seems that the content of your blog has shifted (subtly or otherwise) in that direction over the years.

    For me,
    reposting of right wing memes - not so interesting
    reposting of right wing videos - not so interesting.
    If I am so inclined, I can get that stuff elsewhere.
    When you give your usual thoughtful analysis on a subject, I enjoy that more. Yes, I can skip over the stuff I am not interested in, but when it becomes a chore to do that, it is easier just to skip the blog.

    I dont think it has anything to do with being "woke" or not. I honestly dont even know what the correct definition of that word is.

    Unfortunately, Not only in the US, but world wide, the delineation between political sides has become ever more defined. If you have truly shifted to become a bit more "right wing" politically, at least when talking about blog content and it is just not a figment of my imagination, then those people (of which I am probably one) who get their fill of politics in other places will be less apt to read your blog.

    I completely understand that this is your "sandbox" and you are free to do what you wish in it. Just thought I would provide some perspective

  5. Brian,

    Haven't heard from you in a long while! Hope all is well.

    I've definitely drifted right in some ways, but I think the left has drifted so far left that they would see someone like me as a raving far-rightie, which is a distortion of my position and would involve cherry-picking my posts.



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