Wednesday, May 04, 2022

whoever she is, she's funny

Don't know who this lady is, but I just about busted a gut:

In case you haven't been following the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial (Depp has sued Heard for defamation after she falsely—that's established, now—accused Depp of physical abuse), it's been going very, very badly for Amber Heard. This is old news by now, but Heard is on tape admitting to hitting Depp, then taunting him by daring him to go public with accusations of her abuse of him, teasingly asking Depp who might believe him if he did go public. Well, Heard's shenanigans are now on full display because this sick couple decided to record their spats, and all the audio, so far, has been in Depp's favor. Karma's a bitch. It's embarrassing for those of us on the sidelines (and admittedly, I'm not actively following the case so much as I'm hearing about it from my regular alt-media sources), but I imagine a narcissist like Amber Heard feels no shame and will come through this just fine, despite the fact that the public now knows she shat in Depp's bed. In the meantime, Heard just fired her PR team because she's aware of how she now looks like an evil bitch (narcissists and evil people do care about public perception), and her lawyers, who are being videoed as the trial continues, are proving to be buffoons of the highest order. And that's what makes the above parody/satire so hilarious.

Two further points. First, how unhealthy is it for a couple to mistrust each other so much that they're constantly recording each other? Second, my sympathy for Johnny Depp is limited: this is the guy who famously asked, after Trump was elected, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?"—a probable reference to John Wilkes Booth, an actor who killed Abraham Lincoln. And in saying this, Depp seemed to be jokingly volunteering to assassinate Trump. More Hollywood big talk from yet another pussy unable to put his money where his mouth is, like all those leftie idiots who said they'd move to Canada once Trump was in office, then never left. Or all the Hollywood idiots right now saying they'll be leaving Twitter once Elon Musk takes it fully over: you know they won't be leaving. So Depp is on my shit list, and while I'm happy that he's taking the piss out of yet another woman who's falsely playing the victim because she's an attention whore, that's about as far as my sympathy goes.

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