Tuesday, May 03, 2022

more than you ever wanted to know about scoring bread dough

Fascinating stuff if you're a novice baker like moi:


  1. I'll be honest, I went into this one a little cocky--so cocky that I watched it at 2x speed just so I could quickly get to the part I already knew. Yeah, I know that you don't want to score straight up and down, but at a forty-five degree angle! What's the big deal?

    And then he elaborated. And I must admit that I never thought about that before, but he's right--at least when it comes to baguettes. I think if you have a wider loaf, you don't have to worry so much about the curve. That being said, it is still going to be there. I think next time I make a loaf of bread, I am going to try going in at a deeper angle, just to make sure that I am at a forty-five degree angle to the surface of the dough at the point of contact.

  2. I'm not even really at the dough-slashing phase. Still in the kiddie pool with my no-knead dough.

  3. You'll get there soon enough. Just don't be afraid to test out the deeper waters.



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