Tuesday, June 14, 2022

random selfie

I am indeed still alive:

alive, but grayer and grayer


  1. Not bad for an old fucker.

    FYI: I've been using a product called Youthair for a while now with good results. Just sayin'...

  2. Youthair? Aren't the youth using up enough of our air as it is?

    Anyway, good to see that you are indeed still alive, and that you have not been blogging from beyond the grave.

  3. Is Youthair for baldness or for hair color? Personally, I'm okay with going bald and going gray.

  4. Ah, I looked it up: Youthair is for gray hair. Yeah, I'm not into dyeing my hair, which feels like a pathetic attempt at looking younger. Own your age! Besides, you're not fooling anybody when you color your hair. I see 80-year-old Korean men with perfectly black hair. It's comical.

    Combovers are pathetic, too.

  5. "Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31

  6. Charles,

    Or, in my case, attained just by getting old. Nothing righteous about how I live.

  7. Well, it is not technically dyeing your hair, it just restores your natural color naturally. I still have some sexy flecks of gray on the temples, but that doesn't distract from my persona of acting like a man half my age. I identify as a 30-year-old and have zero tolerance for age bigots who can't accept chosen my reality. That's how it works now, right? Wake up! :)



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