Sunday, July 31, 2022

Biden re-COVIDed, Pelosi to Taiwan?

Two big news items from the US. First: Joe Biden, after testing negative for COVID only a few days after testing positive, tested positive for it again. Some are saying this is a reinfection, but there's a good chance it's simply that a different test produced different results re: the original infection (some articles call this a "rebound case"). I personally anticipated that Biden would get reinfected, like Trudeau, but I didn't suspect he'd be reinfected so soon, so I'm tentatively thinking this is just the original infection, which never left. (Has anyone heard of being COVID-free after only five days? Especially someone as frail as Biden?)

Second: Nancy Pelosi is mulling a direct trip to Taiwan. This could be great PR if it's the Democrats who prove to be ballsy enough to treat Taiwan officially as its own separate, sovereign country. And frankly, I wouldn't disagree with such a move. Trump may have physically stood in North Korea, but I don't recall that he ever came out and said, officially, that Taiwan is its own country. (Correct me in the comments if I'm wrong.*) China, of course, is upset that Pelosi might make such a visit, and it has even blustered that it would have the right to intercept Pelosi's plane if she made the trip. My own feeling is that Pelosi (not to mention Schumer, Schiff, AOC, and that whole cohort) deserves incarceration, so if China wants her, they can have her. Let's see whether our newly woke and pussified military can mount a rescue operation to save her if China kidnaps her. Some people are actively rooting for Pelosi to be shot down en route; I don't go quite that far, not because I believe in the sacredness of Pelosi's life, but because I think she deserves to spend her final years suffering.

Then again, I just finished bingeing "The Terminal List," and there's a scene in which our vengeful main character finally finds the man who killed his wife and daughter, and he makes the assassin suffer by opening up his guts, stringing his intestines up on an overhead pipe, and forcing the man to walk forward, pulling the rest of his own guts out until he dies. The suffering isn't long, but it's intense. I wouldn't lose sleep if Pelosi got similar treatment. Or was consigned to a Uyghur labor camp. A little wisdom before dying—learning the meaning of suffering—might be a good thing for a creature like her.


*According to JSTOR, Trump came close, saying he didn't see why the US should be bound to the One-China policy. Still not a recognition of Taiwan's sovereign, separate status.

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