Wednesday, July 13, 2022

finally, some karma

Women's NBA basketball player Brittney Griner hates America and has bought into the leftist nonsense that the US was founded on racism, slavery, and nothing else. Griner refused to enter arenas while the national anthem was being played, railed about "systemic racism," and basically implied that she'd rather be anywhere but the nasty ol' US of A.

Well, in true stupid-druggie fashion, Griner was arrested in Russia for possessing less than a gram of cannabis oil, a controlled substance in that country (she also pled guilty in a Russian court to possession, thereby sealing her fate). She now faces time, possibly years, in a Russian prison. North Americans generally agree that the Russian penalty is too harsh, but personally, I can't say I have much sympathy for Griner, who made her bed and must now sleep in it. I'd like to think she's learned her lesson about how good or bad the US is compared to some countries, but if there's one thing I've learned about leftie ideologues, it's that they're as committed as kamikaze pilots to their cause, and they will never, ever apologize or admit they were wrong about anything. Prison doesn't change that; poverty doesn't change that; societal collapse doesn't change that. So I don't expect Griner to come out of this experience praising the US, assuming Biden works some voodoo to get her out of her predicament.

Let her rot. Prison won't change her mind, so why should I give a damn?

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