Monday, August 08, 2022

Brave Sir Jack

Jack Dorsey is belatedly coming out against the Chinese Communist Party. Having recently tweeted "End the CCP," Dorsey suddenly finds himself being quoted by rightie news services.

Color me unimpressed. Dorsey had a chance, while he was CEO of Twitter, to take principled stances on any number of issues, including the crucial issue of differential enforcement of the Twitter Terms of Service such that a conservative merely pointing out that a trans woman is chromosomally male gets banned while some Islamic idiot advocating death to all Israelis is left alone. Besides, with Twitter being banned in China, Dorsey has no power or influence there; his tweets signify nothing, which means that, as an inveterate coward, he can feel free to "stand up" to China all he wants, especially now, especially with more and more people in the West finally waking up to China's various depredations.

If Jack Dorsey did something truly meaningful, something that actually hit China where it hurts, and then he refused to back down from whatever he did, I'd be impressed. But I have a feeling this is the best we're going to see from him. In theory, Dorsey is a powerful billionaire with a net worth almost twice that of Donald Trump (which, granted, isn't saying much: at $3 billion, Trump is a small fry among billionaires). He could, if he wanted to, do some real damage to China. But he won't. All I foresee from him is more of the same: all talk, no action.

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