Tuesday, August 09, 2022

China's hopeless younger generation

Ah, the failures of communism. But will the West's youth learn anything from this? No. And judging by some of the things I've heard from my own generation, older people are just as stupid and gullible. Understand: central planning sucks. Everything follows from that. Centralized control of the economy is bad. Centralized services not in tune with local conditions are bad. Centralized education is bad.  Centralized authority is bad. Government is not your friend. Get it through your thick fucking skull. 

Now watch the video below to see how this is playing out in China, where today's youth have started movements devoted to hopelessness and nihilism, such as "Lying Flat," "Let It Rot," and "Involution" (which apparently refers to some sort of internal self-flagellation brought on by a sense of ultimate meaninglessness).

1 comment:

  1. I hope China fails without going to war first, but I'm not optimistic about that prospect.



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