Thursday, August 11, 2022

woke too soon: killer of Muslims was himself a Muslim

Sometimes, when you scramble to assert The Narrative too fast, it blows up in your stupid face. Headline: "Biden and Harris Rush to Condemn ‘Hate Crime,’ but ‘Islamophobic’ Killer Is…a Muslim."

The Left’s view of the world is a series of fictions, fantasies, and delusions. Like all propaganda, this house of cards would collapse in a second if it weren’t constantly shored up with what Leftists claim is “evidence” or “proof” that their insanity — men can be women, Jan. 6 was an insurrection, and the rest — is actually real. And so when four Muslims were shot dead in New Mexico, Old Joe Biden and Kamala Harris rushed to condemn the killings and declare piously that “hate” has no place in America. The “Islamophobia” narrative that Muslims are particulars of large-scale discrimination and harassment in the U.S. needed shoring up. But when the killer was identified, the whole thing blew up on the putative president and vice president. Not that they’ll ever admit that.

Biden’s Twitter wonk tweeted Sunday: “I am angered and saddened by the horrific killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque. While we await a full investigation, my prayers are with the victims’ families, and my Administration stands strongly with the Muslim community. These hateful attacks have no place in America.” Not to be outdone, on the same day, Harris tweeted: “I am deeply disturbed by the killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque. As law enforcement continues to investigate these heinous attacks, we remain clear that we stand with the Muslim community in New Mexico and around our country. Hate has no place in America.”

New Mexico Sen. Martin Heinrich (a Democrat, of course) started the ball rolling on Friday when he tweeted: “Muhammad Afzaal Hussain was a pillar in the UNM community and an incredible force for good. I’m very concerned by law enforcement reports that his murder may be linked to two other murders of Muslim men in Albuquerque. Racist, hate-fueled violence has no place in New Mexico.” Another Twitter user responded to Heinrich: “You misspelled christian white supremacist terrorism.”


But then a suspect was caught. CBS News reported Tuesday that “Muhammed Syed, 51, was identified as the ‘primary suspect in the recent murders of Muslim men,’ police said Tuesday, and charged with murdering Aftab Hussein on July 26 and Muhammad Afzaal [Hussain] on Aug. 1. Detectives connected the two cases using bullet casings found at the two scenes. They are still investigating Syed’s possible involvement in the murders of Naeem Hussain on Aug. 5 and Mohammed Zaher Ahmadi on Nov. 7.”

Syed “appears to have known his victims,” and CAIR revealed that there are “early indications that the alleged killer may have been targeting particular members of the Shia community.” So the killings weren’t “Islamophobia,” but may have been another instance of the Sunni-Shi’ite jihad coming to America.

Biden and Harris were so anxious for some confirmation of the Left’s bogus “Islamophobia” narrative that they condemned these murders as hate crimes before any suspect had been located. They wanted people to think an “Islamophobe” was the murderer, no matter what the facts turned out to be. Will Biden and Harris now apologize for reinforcing a spurious victimhood narrative? Will CAIR run an information feature on the Sunni-Shi’ite jihad, which has claimed far more lives than “Islamophobia” ever has? Not on your life. The Left sticks to its narrative, no matter how often it blows up in their faces, as it did this time.

Sure, we all mess up. I've been caught relaying news that proved to be bogus or just wrong on several occasions. When that happens, I apologize, issue a correction, and try to do better. Will the Biden administration do likewise? Fat fucking chance.

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