Friday, August 19, 2022

squid-sashimi video and commentary

Under the video, I saw this comment in Spanish and was pleased to discover that I knew more Spanish than I thought:

Es increible la diferencia de comentarios entre orientales y occidentales, los primeros diciendo que el hecho de que se movia les abriĆ³ el apetito y los segundos horrorizados por la misma razon.

Without Google Translate, I'm pretty sure I can roughly decipher that:

It's incredible, the difference in comments by Easterners and Westerners, the first saying that what they're seeing is appetizing, and the second saying they're horrified for the same reason.

And here's what Google Translate says:

The difference in comments between Easterners and Westerners is incredible, the former saying that the fact that it moved whetted their appetite and the latter horrified for the same reason.

Pretty close, I think. Of course, it helps that there are so many cognates in the original Spanish. I missed the crucial bit, though, about how the squid's movement (el hecho de que se movia = "the fact that it moved") is what prompted the opposite reactions. I say that Westerners who are so divorced from how we obtain food are to be pitied. The fact is that we carnivores kill to eat. Hell, vegans do, too. (I'm still waiting for firmer studies on plant sentience. Once those come out, that's the end of the argument for ethical vegetarianism!)

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