Saturday, August 20, 2022

the deep rot of the FBI

The American FBI really seems to have gone off the rails, but this article argues that the FBI has been rotten for a long while—since well before Trump, in fact.

Pence claimed calls to defund the FBI are like calls to defund the police. This is absolutely wrong. The stark difference here is that the uniformity of tactics and goals of our centralized FBI are fundamentally corrupt. Actions of individual FBI agents are defended by the organization even when they’re universally opposed by the people.

On the flip side, actions by individual cops who go over the line are disavowed by their departments. Cops get fired for doing their jobs wrong. FBI agents get promoted for doing what the people believe to be wrong. Most problems we have with police are diverse and truly one-off while the problems we have with the FBI are systemic.

This is not about holding Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, or a few “bad apples” at the top accountable, as Pence would have us believe. The reason that so many are calling to defund the FBI is that the rot pervades throughout the bureau.

A majority of Americans believe the FBI is the “personal gestapo” of the Biden regime, but this is inaccurate. Pence and others would have you believe that Biden and Garland have somehow transformed the FBI into what it is today, but they seem to forget that the Gretchen Whitmer fednapping plot happened under Donald Trump and Bill Barr. They forget that people like Ron Paul have been calling out the anti-American foundation of the FBI itself for decades, or that we’ve seen Gestapo-like actions from the FBI since its inception.

There have been about two dozen whistleblowers at the FBI that have come out in recent days. That may seem like a lot, but that means there are around 7,800 special agents and 11,000 other FBI employees who are either too weak to speak out against corruption, too incompetent to realize the corruption exists, or are political hacks themselves who relish in it all.

Burn it all to the ground and start over.

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