Wednesday, August 31, 2022

the gun-grabbers know nothing about guns

Arguing to ban something you haven't even properly researched strikes me as bizarre. And here's Joe Biden telling a crowd (of equally ignorant people, it seems) that an AR-15's bullet travels 5 times faster than a bullet from any other gun. The average fps (feet per second) of a typical bullet varies anywhere from 600 fps to 5,000 fps according to online sources. Taking the mean of those extremes (which, in this case, is also the median), you get a generic speed of 3,250 fps. So Biden is saying an AR-15's bullet travels at 16,250 fps. That's Mach 14, in case you're wondering—about 3 miles per second, or close to 11,100 miles per hour—almost the speed of an orbiting satellite. A single bullet from the AR-15 (which, at 5.56 mm, is a pea shooter), with that much kinetic energy, might be able to shatter a tank at that speed (assuming the bullet isn't damaged by impact with the air first).

The actual speed of an AR-15 bullet is dead average at 3,251 fps.

I'd say Biden needs to think before he speaks, but with his advancing Alzheimer's, it's far, far too late for that. What's worse is the fact that most people who want gun control know as little about guns as Biden does. Biden can prattle on to a crowd, and the audience will just nod absently. (True: we could talk about Dick Cheney's firearms-safety record as well, but so far as I know, Cheney has never made any stupid pronouncements about guns.)

And why the absolutely obsessive focus on AR-15s, lefties?

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