Monday, August 29, 2022

visit to the eye doc

Ah, Korean health care.

I visited my old internal-medicine doc (a.k.a. my doc) for the first time since my stroke. The visit was quick, as usual—over in about five minutes. The doc saw me walk in; I said, "Long time!"; he asked what was up, and I explained that I get minor eye irritations maybe 2-3 times a year, and they normally go away in a day, but this latest irritation had been going on for a week, which was why I was visiting. The doc barely looked at my eye, and he quickly prescribed eye drops that I probably could have obtained without a prescription. When I went to my usual pharmacy for the meds, the lady there told me to put 1-2 drops in my eye three times a day. So I've now got this little eye-dropper bottle I'll be carrying with me between home and work. Fun. I'll be curious to see whether the drops help (I'd gotten drops last week directly from a pharmacy, and those don't seem to be working). 

Check in with me in a few days.


  1. Good luck! I thought you were going to a specialist; maybe that was for something else. But I don't know how many treatments there are for what is likely an infection, so maybe your regular doctor knew what to do immediately.

    My old doc in the international clinic at Soonchunhwang hospital in Hannam-dong was pretty good--even had a sense of humor (I kiddingly asked him once if he could prescribe something for Jee Yeun's boredom. "Viagra," he said without missing a beat).

    Anyway, my new doctors here in Barretto have always spent 30+ minutes on my visits, although that included some banter on off-the-subject matters. Still felt good that they showed some genuine interest though.

  2. I visited my old general practitioner, but if the prescription he gave me doesn't work after a week's usage, I'll go see a specialist. I need to see a different specialist about my infected right big toe. Something weird is going on down there; I have a suspicion as to what it is, but I need a doc to confirm it.



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