Tuesday, August 09, 2022

yet another rainy day

the Yangjae-cheon, where you should normally be seeing sidewalks

The trees define the northern edge of the submerged path; the bridge pylon defines the southern edge.

a ramp down to what would normally be a bike path/walking path

same view, but closer; note the joke of a gate, recently installed

view of the swollen creek from a bridge; between the isolated trees and the fuller woods should be a path

It's still pissing down rain, and if Weather.com is to be believed, it's going to be like this all week. I took the subway in to work yesterday, and Daecheong Station was flooding something horrible. Daechi Station, by contrast, wasn't having any leakage problems.

The flooding did bring home the fact that almost all of my local walks are creek-dependent. A little flooding, and boom—suddenly, I have to walk with all the damn traffic.

Keywords: flood, floods, flooding, creek, creeks, bridge, Yangjae, Yangjae-cheon, Tan Creek, Tan-cheon, muddy water, silt, bike path, walking path, distance walking, jangma, monsoon, heavy rain, rain, 장마, 홍수


  1. Amazing. I've been seeing lots of photos/videos of the flooding in Seoul, and it's crazy bad. I guess I need to shut up about getting a little wet when I walk. Be careful out there!

  2. The news is saying that this is the worst rain Seoul has seen in 115 years. Nine people dead so far, with seven still missing. So what has been an inconvenience for us has been disastrous for those less fortunate.

  3. Charles,

    Yeah, I think I saw something about that over at ROK Drop. Maybe it's the "Parasite" scenario.



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