Tuesday, January 17, 2023

the left turns on Biden

The alt-media pundits are all seeing the same signs: Biden has to go. Whether this means he needs to resign now (which could be a nightmare if Kamala takes over), or that he won't run in 2024, the left apparently wants Biden gone. Hence the leftist media's current focus on Garagegate. This isn't some sudden resurgence of journalistic integrity: this is the left realizing that Biden has been and is a loser who is single-handedly sinking the leftist ship.

Of course, most of Joe Biden's critics are aware that, given his age and dementia, Biden is obviously not running the show. (He's sinking the ship, but he's not running the show.) While I'm no longer sympathetic enough to join in on the chants of "Elder Abuse!" (which I did for a time, I admit), I do think the man should've been put out to pasture long before he ever had a chance to fall up the stairs while trying to walk into Air Force One.

My point is that, even if we get rid of Biden, he's only the surface of the problem—a suspicious bump, not the main cancer. There's a whole structure that has to be uprooted, and it won't be. The structure wants stronger leadership so it can continue to promote its agenda—a leader who is at least mentally competent. I'd say the left also wants someone who isn't a serial liar (see the second video below), but given how shamelessly the left lies (and no, the right isn't off the hook when it comes to lies and hypocrisy, either), I suspect that Biden's serial lying doesn't even faze most leftists. They just want a mouthpiece who can get through two sentences without stumbling or stuttering—someone who looks good and can influence votes. Such a person doesn't even have to run the show. A hollow, good-looking shell will do.

Anyway, the videos below (neither is monetized, so there're no commercials) both talk about the left's new desire to get rid of Biden. This move also gives the left a chance to paint itself as nobly open-minded—See? We can critique our own!—but don't be fooled: in the end, this is all about getting rid of dead weight. And Uncle Joe's gotta go.

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