Friday, February 03, 2023

bovine suffering and relief

I'm not used to the idea of seeing cows and bulls as individuals, but for whatever reason, YouTube's algorithm started suggesting that I watch this Scottish dude who runs the channel The Hoof GP, and who treats every cow as an individual. From what I've seen, the guy goes around to various Scottish farms and takes care of bovine hoof problems which, as it turns out, are a universe unto themselves. Cow's hooves can go wrong in a thousand different ways, and this guy, with his interesting apparatus for holding a cow in place and raising the cow's hoof up for treatment, attacks problems with a combination of care and gusto. I don't know how many of the cows he treats end up in the slaughterhouse, but he's doing saintly work as he goes around and tries his best to make the animals' lives less miserable. This doesn't exactly change my love of beef, but it does make it a bit harder to separate my food from the increasingly individual lives I'm seeing portrayed in these videos.

Below is a video that may be hard to watch. The thumbnail for the video is already somewhat gross as it shows "keratin fingers" coming out of a cow's hoof. But if I'm going to introduce a new YouTube channel to you, I might as well plunge you right in.


  1. Thank you for the heads up. I will be sure to tell YouTube to not recommend this channel to me should it ever come up in my recommendations.

    You've performed a valuable public service!

  2. Yeah, but you know you watched it anyway.

  3. I didn't, actually. The thumbnail was enough for me to say, "Nope!|

  4. Come on, man! He's doing the Lord's work!



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