Tuesday, February 14, 2023



John Fetterman really wasn’t fit for the Senate — but the press still pretends

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) isn’t capable of serving as a United States senator. Many people knew that before he was elected. Some of them even said that before he was elected.

Those who did were charged with “ableism,” meaning that they took for granted that people running for senator should have the requisite physical and mental qualities to do the job of senator.

Fetterman doesn’t have those, and it’s very possible he never will. He often can’t understand voices because his brain has suffered damage that keeps him from processing what his ears hear. It’s not that his hearing is impaired, it’s that his cognition is.

Even a recent New York Times puff piece admits voices sound like the adults in the “Peanuts” cartoons to him — indecipherable noise — and his health problems have left him with “physical impairment and serious mental health challenges.”

Fetterman’s own doctors have admitted he’s suffering from brain damage, and the medical “fit to serve” letter his campaign flourished before the election came from a doctor who was also a major Democratic donor.

The left doesn't listen and doesn't care. Be as reasonable as you want; attack with ironclad logic; point out shameful inconsistencies. The left will not be shamed. It doesn't give a damn when it's been caught out. And there's no higher authority that you can appeal to. 

Commenter John from Daejeon just sent me a link about Yeonmi Park, the defector from North Korea who went to South Korea, then traveled to the States to study at an Ivy League School, where she was shocked to hear the same leftist ideology she'd been inundated with in North Korea. What horror—to escape one nightmare country, only to find yourself in the jaws of another nightmare (I hope she moves to a conservative area). But if you confront American leftists with the fact that they're preaching the same demonic gulag doctrine being preached in North Korea, the response will only be an irony-deaf shrug.

We're well past the point where Burn it with fire is the only viable solution. These people are, as they say, no longer our countrymen. They preach the hammer, the sickle, and the gulag, and they prop up vegetables like John Fetterman.

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