Monday, February 13, 2023

Vince Dao—one to watch

Maybe there's something soothing or numbing about constantly immersing oneself in conflict. Vince Dao—I called him Based Asian Guy in a previous post—is a conservative young man who seems to like getting into the thick of it. Do it often enough, and I guess you get used to it. For me, as a blogger, I have no trouble lobbing my fireballs from behind the fortress wall of my privacy, but the prospect of sitting with a group of enemies and trying to defend my position while outnumbered only causes my stomach to curdle. So I admit I'm fairly conflict-averse. I stand my ground and try not to compromise my principles, but I don't actively seek conflict out. I'd rather resolve differences through discussion, not screaming debate (which usually isn't even debate). So a part of me admires Vince for his backbone, for his ability to go it alone on a panel of nothing but woke idiots. The guy has a YouTube channel, so maybe that's where he's gotten practice dealing with conflict. His video titles strike me cocky and clickbaity, and my inner religious liberal is wary of his Christian conservatism, but I imagine that he and I agree on much politically. Here are a few Vince-related vids that caught my eye.

Ben Shapiro:

And this one again:

You have to have thick skin, steely nerves, a lot of endurance, an optimistic attitude, and a great deal of smarts and wits to navigate quagmires like the Vice panel "discussion."

Oh, and then there's Matt Walsh's scathing evaluation of the panel's lefties:

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