Thursday, March 09, 2023

the threat YouTube represents

My only real objection to the following video, which discusses why YouTube is having its moment while traditional networks and studios are increasingly ignored and marginalized by the public, is that it doesn't tackle YouTube's wokeness problem. People these days are migrating away from YouTube to places like Rumble, which is very anti-cancel culture, as well as to other platforms like BitChute. When YouTube demonetizes people, the creators whip out their Patreons. YouTube's repressiveness has been forcing people to find creative solutions to their funding problems. One of my go-to channels, China Uncensored, is constantly demonetized for telling the truth about the Chinese Communist Party (which probably has a stake in YouTube, hence the repression). The solution? Patreon, Rumble, etc. Creators now have to diversify: content creation has become a multiplatform effort.

My complaint aside, the video below makes some valid points. Enjoy.

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